Saturday, April 24, 2010


Hey baby, you dig chicken? This is a microsite design for a campaign I'm currently working on for Zaxby's. The premise is that Zaxby's serves up the freshest chicken... so fresh, in fact, that it will actually hit on you. On the microsite, you can read and upload your favorite pick-up lines, order t-shirts and other merch, and hit on girls (or guys, if that's what you're into) with e-cards. Other planned deliverables include: 15-second tv spots, small space print ads, banner ads, billboards, a facebook page and twitter feeds, and a viral video featuring Zaxby's customers getting hit on at the drive-thru. Copywriter: Cameron Templeton


  1. Hi there, my name is Nicole and I work with Zaxby's. Is this a mock campaign that you're working on for school? If so, could you please state that in your blog entry just to clarify? Thanks so much. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about my request.
