Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fred Perry Subculture

Objective: create an original and underground viral to drive a diverse and creative audience to the Fred Perry Subculture music website. Copywriter: Matt Kappler

1 comment:

  1. Very cool concept. The idea of extending value or "utility" beyond a branded platform is pretty much where things are going. Most people use Nike+, with its content, apps and access to experts, as an example of this. The idea of integrating FPS's knowledge (its key asset) with iTunes libraries makes perfect sense, because that's where the users are. One thing you may be asked (by a potential employer) if the users don't like ads, and you are proposing FPS develop a fairly sophisticated app with a branded messaging platform ($$$) where is the revenue going to come from? Are suggesting FPS become an iTunes affiliate site? Creative these days has to do more than just propose cool, even useful ideas, it has to understand the business model in which they'll succeed. If you do know how it generates incremental revenue for FPS, share it. It will make the idea that much smarter. Just my way of saying "yes John, I did read your blog."
